Frequently Asked Questions
Some of the most common questions we get asked are below.
Should you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us.

Q When do parents return their photo order form?
The school should advise parents of when they need to return envelopes by, and who they should give them to.
Q I've lost my envelope. What should I do?
Your school office has a small amount of spare envelopes.
However, you can still order online without an envelope. Just obtain your school's Online Order Code (It begins with an 'X') and enter that into the website to place an order. Just print the receipt and bring it on photo day instead of an envelope.
Q My child forgot to hand in their envelope. What should I do?
ALL students are photographed on the day so you will not miss out.
If you have already paid online, it is not a problem. We have a record of your order and you will receive your photos when they are delivered to the school. Keep the envelope at home with the receipt number written on it as a record of your order.
If your envelope contained cash, then it is too late now to pay by cash. You can still order and pay online using the code on the envelope.
If it is within 3 weeks of photo day, your photos will be delivered to the school with the school's main delivery. After this time it will become a 'late order' and will be delivered to the school within a month from ordering date.
Q My envelope code isn't working.
Please ensure that you have selected the correct option on the first page of the store (Above where you entered your name and email).
For normal School Photos, you will need to select the first option (For codes beginning with a number or an X)
To view and order sports and miscellaneous groups after photo day (For Codes beginning with the letter S), you will need to select the middle option.
Also, check carefully to ensure you are not confusing letters and numbers; eg; 1&i or O & Zero
Q Online Ordering isn't working.
Certain combinations of device, operating system, browser, firewall etc can give unusual results on the online store.
Please try using a different computer to order.
Q HELP! It's photo day and I haven't ordered yet!
Parents can use our online ordering system to purchase photos up to a week after photo day.
ALL students are photographed on the day so you will not miss out.
Online ordering of Sibling photos will be temporarily suspended 1 working day prior to photography.
This allows us to provide the school with a list of siblings to be photographed, so nobody misses out.
If you find that Sibling Ordering has been temporarily suspended when you go to place your order - DON'T PANIC.
Your children can still have a sibling photo taken, and you can then go online after photo day to place an order for the photo they had taken. (Keep a copy of your access code if your child is going to be handing in their envelope)
Please note: Your children MUST present to the photographers in order for their photo to be taken. If you wish, you can give them a note saying they are to be photographed as a sibling group.
Sibling Photos must be paid for within 14 days of photo day to avoid a late order surcharge.
Alternatively, Cash Envelopes are usually available from the school office .The students must be sure to present themselves when sibling photos are being taken.
Q Can I still order & pay for photos after photo day?
Parents can use our online ordering system to purchase photos up to a week after photo day.
There is no need to return the envelope if you order online after photo day.
ALL students are photographed on the day so you will not miss out.
Sibling groups that have already been photographed can be paid for within 14 days after photo day.
Q Do you offer siblings photos?
Yes, if the school has arranged for sibling photographs to be taken.
We provide a separate order envelope for your school to hand out to parents wishing to purchase family photos.
Online ordering of Sibling photos will be temporarily suspended 1 working day prior to photography.
This allows us to provide the school with a list of siblings to be photographed, so nobody misses out.
If you find that Sibling Ordering has been temporarily suspended when you go to place your order - DON'T PANIC.
Your children can still have a sibling photo taken, and you can then go online after photo day to place an order for the photo they had taken. (Keep a copy of your access code if your child is going to be handing in their envelope)
Please note: Your children MUST present to the photographers in order for their photo to be taken. If you wish, you can give them a note saying they are to be photographed as a sibling group.
Sibling Photos must be paid for within 14 days of photo day to avoid a late order surcharge.
Alternatively, Cash Envelopes are usually available from the school office .The students must be sure to present themselves when sibling photos are being taken.
If your school offers Online Ordering Only (no envelopes), there is no need to bring any documentation (envelope or receipt or flyer) to school on photo day. Your order will have been recorded electronically.
Q Do I have to have a separate envelope for Sibling Photos?
If you would like to pay by cash, then yes, you will need to collect a sibling envelope from the school office.
If you are paying online, you may either write your online receipt number on a sibling envelope or print the receipt for your sibling order and bring it to school on photo day to ensure your sibling photo is taken.
If your school offers Online Ordering Only (no envelopes), there is no need to bring any documentation (envelope or receipt or flyer) to school on photo day. Your order will have been recorded electronically.
Q I haven't received a confirmation email for my online order
If you can't see your confirmation email it is probably because your email program has moved it into your Spam folder.
On different computers the Spam folder may be called something else. Check folders called Spam, Trash, Deleted or Rubbish.
After paying, the online store would have provided you with a receipt number. This is all you need to write on your envelope.
The email confirmation is just for your records, and is not necessary to receive your photos.
Q Can we order and pay for school photos online?
Yes, we provide a secure online payment system that has been in place for some years now. More and more parents are taking advantage of this easy and convenient way of ordering school photos. It also means your children do not need to carry money to school.
Simply visit our website's Order Online section and complete the details required.
You will need the order code that is on your envelope. If you have lost your envelope, a new one can be obtained from the school office.
Q What method of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, money order, VISA and Mastercard. Credit Card payments must be made online. Cheques are no longer accepted.
Q What can we do if a student is absent on photo day?
We offer a studio day to be held on selected days only during school holidays at our office in Seven Hills. Please contact customer service on 02 9674 9824 to book a time.
Q When will we receive our photos?
We will endeavour to deliver the finished product within 6-8 weeks unless other arrangements have been made with the school.
This turnaround time is a guide and is dependent on prompt approvals, proofs, names etc from the school.
Q How do I download the free digital download of my child’s portrait?
When you receive your prints, a unique code will be attached to every full package purchased (Portrait and Group/Book).
Simply visit our website and click on download image to enter your unique code to receive your image via download.
Q Do you offer a satisfaction Guarantee?
Yes, The School Photographer offers a 100% money back guarantee. We only deliver photographs we consider to be of the highest standard.
Q Do you Photoshop or manipulate any of the portraits taken of the students?
It is not standard practice at The School Photographer to alter students for cosmetic purposes. Requests for digitally altered images must be approved by the school and parent. Please contact our friendly customer service staff for more information.
Q I want to give feedback on the products and service we have received.
We value your feedback both positive and negative, and would love to hear about your experience with using The School Photographer.
You can contact us via the website.
Q Have your staff and photographers had a Working with Children & police check?
Yes, before commencing employment with The School Photographer it is a requirement that all our staff obtain current Working with Children and police clearance.